Managing shared items with distribution lists

When users send to a distribution list, they are sending the message to everyone whose address is included in the list.  Items can be shared with a distribution list and the members of the DL receive a notification about accepting the shared item.  

New members added to the distribution list need to know which items are shared with members of the DL. The Shared tab in the distribution list manages the list of shared items and can be configured to notify new members of items shared with members of the DL.

When an item is shared with the DL, the user who sets up the share notifies the administrator.  The administrator publishes the shared item to the Shared tab. When new members are added to the group distribution list, they are automatically granted the same shared items as other members of the group. When members are removed from the group distribution list, their share  privileges are revoked.

How to share with a Distribution List

After being notified that an item has been shared with a distribution list

  1. In the distribution list, select the Shares tab and click Publish New Share.

  2. Enter the email address of the user who set up the share and click Find Shares.

  3. The shared items are listed. Select the item and click Publish Selected Shares. The item is removed from the list.

  4. Click OK. The shared item is listed in the Shares tab.

If the Notify new members of available shares is checked, when new member are added to the list, they receive a share notification email for each item that is published in the DL.

Users can also  find shares that have been shared with them.  In the Folders section of Overview pane on the Zimbra Web Client, they can click Find Shares to quickly find and add folders that have been shared with them.