Email Encryption

What is Email Encryption?

Encrypted email is built to send private data over email, while ensuring that the message does not breach privacy laws nor is it insecurely stored on the recipient side. Without encryption, a message can be grabbed in transmission between end-point servers.

Email encryption is a powerful feature which is becoming a more and more popular request nowadays, especially for businesses that handle private, sensitive data (think card details, personally identifiable data, medical records, etc) but not only. Enrypting all email communication (or only sensitive ones, depending on the case) can help small and medium enterprises reduce the potential negative impacts of data loss.

The Email Encryption available with EhloMail automatically encrypts sensitive data, while still making it readily available to appropriate affiliates, business partners and end users—on their desktops and mobile devices.

How does encryption work with EhloMail?

Once the triggers for encryption have been configured by the domain administrator, all users can start encrypting emails directly from their EhloMail client. If using the Email Subject tag trigger, whenever a user wants to encrypt a sensitive email, all they need to do is add the tag to the end of the subject line. For example:

  • Predefined tag: [encrypt]
  • Subject line should be: Credit card details [encrypt]

The platform will scan all outbound emails and automatically send the tagged ones for encryption. The original sender and internal recipients can compose, read and respond to all encrypted emails in their inbox.

The recipient will receive an email notification that an encrypted email has been sent to them and will be asked to login to a secure platform where they will be able to read and reply to the correspondence. This adds another layer of protection because the sensitive emails are not stored in their own account which means that even if the recipient's email account is hacked the encrypted emails won't be compromised.

Authenticating the recipient increases the level of security around the encrypted email, ensuring that only the valid recipient can access it. All encrypted emails time out after 15 days and are removed from the service, ensuring that sensitive data is not retained for longer than necessary