
Folders are used to organize your incoming and outgoing email messages. You can create your own folders, or use the system defined folders:

  • User-defined folders. Folders you create to organize your email are displayed in the Folders list in the Overview pane. Top-level folder names cannot be the same as any other top-level folder in your email, calendar, or address book folders.
  • System folders. System folders cannot be moved, renamed, or deleted. The following are system folders:
    • Inbox. New email arrives in the Inbox.
    • Sent. A copy of each message you send is saved in the Sent folder.
    • Drafts. Messages you have composed but have not sent are saved in the Drafts folder.
    • Junk. Most filtering of unsolicited automated email (also known as spam or junk mail) is handled by a spam filter before those email messages reach your Inbox. Email that might possibly be junk mail, but isn't certain to be junk, can be placed in your Junk folder. You can review these messages and either move them or delete them. If you don't delete them, they will be purged after a period of time, as specified by your administrator
    • Trash. Deleted items are placed in the Trash folder and remain there until you manually empty the trash or until the folder is purged automatically.

Create a Folder

You can create a standalone user-defined folder or a folder inside another folder, including system folders.

You cannot create two folders with the same name within the same parent folder. For example, you cannot have two folders named Shopping inside your Inbox folder, but you can have one folder named Shopping inside your Inbox folder, and another folder with the same name inside the Sent folder.

  1. Go to the Mail > Mail Folders page and click the Folders gear icon.
  2. Select New Folder.
  3. Enter the new folder Name and select a folder Color.
  4. Folder names can include any character except a colon (:), forward slash (/), and quotation mark (").
  5. You have the option to select to subscribe to RSS/ATOM feed.
  6. In the Mail Folders tree, select the placement of the new folder.
  7. Click Folders to have the new folder displayed at the top of the list.
  8. Click an existing folder to place your new folder within that folder.
  9. Click OK.

Rename a Folder

You can rename user-defined folders but not system folders.

  1. Go to the Mail > Mail Folders page.
  2. Right-click a folder and choose Rename Folder.
  3. Enter the new folder name.
  4. Folder names can include any character except a colon (:), forward slash (/), and quotation mark (").
  5. Click OK.

Delete a Folder

You can delete user-defined folders, but not system folders. When you delete a folder, the folder and its contents are moved to Trash. If you want to save some of the messages in a folder before you delete the folder, move the messages to another folder. You can recover a folder and its contents from Trash by dragging and dropping the folder to another folder.

Important: When you delete a folder, a pop-up displays at the top of the pane indicating the folder is moved to Trash. Click Undo if you want to revert the deletion. This pop-up displays for a very short time, so click Undo immediately if you did not want to delete the folder, otherwise you’ll have to manually recover the folder.

  1. Go to the Mail > Mail Folders page.
  2. Right-click the folder you want to delete and select Delete.

Note: The Trash folder is purged on a regular basis, which is set by your administrator, so items in the Trash do not stay there forever.