Moving, sorting and grouping email messages

You can move email messages or entire conversations from a folder.

  1. Drag and drop the item to the desired folder in the left-hand Overview pane.
  2. Right click the message and select Move. The Move Message dialog appears.
  3. If you are moving a few messages within a conversation, the conversation appears in both places. The Conversation Detail View window shows the new location of the message that was moved.

Note: You can immediately undo the move. Click Undo that appears at the top of the page to move the message back to its original location.

Sorting messages in the content pane

You can sort your email messages in a folder by Subject, Size, Date, Attachment, Flag and Priority. You can only sort by one column at a time. In the Content pane header, right-click and select the sorting option. The header displays the sort order.

Group messages

In each of your folders, you can group message by date or by size in ascending or descending order.

When you group messages by date, messages display grouped by messages received today, yesterday, last week, two weeks ago, three weeks ago, last month and older.

When you group messages by size, messages display grouped by enormous (messages larger than 5MB) and tiny (messages less than 10KB), Grouping message by size is a good way to manage your mailbox quota by finding the largest messages to remove from your account.

  1. Select the folder and in the Content pane header right-click and select Group By.
  2. Select to group by date or size.
  3. Select the order that the messages should be displayed.